Sunday, July 5, 2009

Seeing Clearly Though The Storm

An interesting thing has begun to happen in my life as a result of writing posts for my blog, "A Journey of Remembering". Major shifts have started and they are shaking me to the core. It's as if my blog posts have been a potent prayer treatment! I admit I would have not posted anything if I knew this would be happening. Thank God for ignorance is all I have to say!

On Friday, July 3rd I posted my personal declaration of independence. The first declaration had to do with relationships. No sooner had I written it when I got a call from someone special in my life that tested what I had posted. Since the call, I have been called by Spirit to make some difficult decisions which will allow me to ultimately be ready to step into my Higher Good. The Higher Good would be a healthy, mutually loving relationship, one where I don't have to guess how the other feels, one where I am completely gifted with the return of physical and emotional equivalents to what I am willing to give. Since Friday afternoon, it's been a roller coaster of emotions. Sometimes it's fine because I'm numbly coasting along and other times I'm in a heart wrenching free fall searching for a barf bag. This ride is in repetitious mode as it seems quite endless right now. Sorry for the next video but there will be no doubt that you get the point!

Yesterday I took myself to a good friend's 4th of July party on his boat. Once I got there I busied myself with some food preparation in lieu of having to talk about "how things are going". Guests started showing up and copious amounts of mango margaritas began to effortlessly flow with a healthy diversion ending up in my faux cocktail "glass" (read chic plastic ware). I was still pretty much "ok" emotionally. We all had a blast squirting super soakers at the Seattle "Ducks" tours (WW2 amphibious landing craft) full of tourists that seemed to cruise back and forth in an endless stream of noise and merry making. It was noticeably apparent we were having fun as we attracted some party people from other boats. One of these boat-hopping ladies and I began to talk and it was clear she was going through a tough time with a divorce. I realized that it was my gift to her and to myself to be present in all the noise and revelry and to really listen to her "story". I offered some words of wisdom (mind was before too many libations had made a mark on me) about taking the time to visualize the next chapter of her life as she is in a powerful space. I described it much like a vacuum which is just waiting to be filled. You see, I believe the Universe abhors a vacuum (quantum physics 101) and will fill that space with whatever we create whether we are conscious of it or not. I invited her to be conscious, hence the visualization. now I had at least become a new drinking buddy in her eyes, LOL! Seriously, there was a moment where I could see deeply into her soul and knew she "remembered". I thought about what a blessing the conversation was as I was reminding myself in the process. It's such a gift to be there for someone else, allowing the listener to step out of their own "stuff" for a while. Spirit can be very crafty at times. After the sun went down there was an awesome fireworks display over Lake Union. I took myself off the boat and sat on the dock to watch the show in the privacy of my own tears. You see, I began to view the fireworks as a metaphorically equivalent of my Greater Good yet to be. I was overcome with emotion...and I give "bad face" when I cry!

Today, I took myself to The Center For Spiritual Living in Seattle (CSL). I knew that my Spiritual posse was there. I arrived just before the first service was letting out. Immediately I was greeted with a loving friend who hugged me, listened to what I desired to have manifest in my life, and asked what he could "hold" for me in intention. Not too soon afterwards I was approached separately by a couple of wonderful ministers on staff who each bore witness to my challenge and were willing to hold that which I agreed would propel me to my Higher Good. I was reminded how loved I am and what a wonderous community I've surrounded myself with. I went to the 2nd service and had more love poured on me. Lo and behold the "talk" was about the Declaration of Independence and how that could show up in our own lives! It's as if the the Senior Minister had read my July 3rd blog even though I knew she hadn't! The music was also perfectly and divinely created through Jami Lula, Jojie Natividad, and Cindy Akana as if to support me personally. Yes, I was on the receiving end of a blessing bonanza...yee haw!

Later in the afternoon I attended a meeting called by the CSL Director of Music. He announced that he was resigning after 14 years of service to pursue his "Greater Good" of expanding his spiritual counseling business and leading workshops/doing speaking. I realized I was witnessing him stepping out in faith to pursue something that hadn't fully formed yet. What a powerful reminder that I was on the "right" path to my Good and to keep the courage to follow through whether or not I know what it will look like.

The wonderful, divinely inspired singer Margaret Owens acts and sings in the following video that reminds us of who we are. It starts off as her having the infamous parent/child meltdown but the song she sings afterwards could be a song one might sing to someone else or just listen for themselves. Margaret will be performing at The Center of Spiritual in Seattle on Aug 3oth. If you are in the area, give yourself a gift and go see her!

So, this weekend has the makings of a pivotal point in my path of remembrance. I've accepted the invitation to step out in courage to do the things that I need to which will allow the space for my Highest Good to manifest itself in my life. If there is anything going on in your life now that is calling you, whether it be whispering or screaming at you, I invite you to look at it. Sit with it for a bit and take the first step without waiting to figure it all out. Demonstrate what the act of Faith looks like. Go ahead, buckle up and be ready for your Highest Good to appear like the July 4th fireworks! It's your birthright!

Many blessings my fellow travelers!



  1. Thank you for sharing Stephen. i am moving through some questions of my own. Peace & Love Eddie W.

  2. Thanks...I am reminded that we aren't in this alone! May you move through it with Ease and Grace my music brother.

  3. Thanks so much for linking in FB to your blog. I love reading it, and find we have the same history and attachment baggage. It's so healing to know we are not alone....

  4. You're welcome Caren. I find more and more that we all have more in common than we think. I'm glad you can identify with some of my "stuff". Hopefully it's not the barf bag thing though! LOL

