Sunday, July 12, 2009

It's All About The Journey

I was thinking about this today as I was having a conversation with someone about their upcoming trip to Peru in the fall. We were specifically discussing the actual hike up to Machu Picchu. I began to have a vision of the actual hike. The full thought was it's all about the journey and not necessarily the destination. I expanded the thought to include things I have looked forward to in my life. I remember my grandmother trying to teach me this lesson when I was either seven or eight years old. I had been saving up my allowance from her to buy a little fold-out city for my matchbox cars. She was attempting to get me to enjoy the process of saving, the "journey" if you will. I think she was somewhat concerned that I was building up my excitement to the point where nothing would quite match it. I remember being excited right after I purchased it but then it wore off pretty quickly and I felt empty. I didn't know it then but my grandmother was spot-on. I now know I was missing the journey of working and saving for something. The "destination" could be a trip, a relationship, a new purchase, a job, etc. I think sometimes when we focus too much on the destination we inadvertently become a breeding ground for expectations. These expectations are often not met and we experience disappointment. The disappointment robs us from the full enjoyment of the destination. It feels anti-climatic, like it doesn't quite measure up. It's much like the dreams I've had while I was sleeping where I don't ever find the person or the place I'm looking for. I have glimpses and get very close but no cigar! For the record, I really dislike those dreams! If we focus more on the journey then we are placing ourselves in position to be present in the moment. You can't be present in the moment if you are focusing on the future (or past) at the same time. You actually miss out on the whole enchilada! I believe if we do too much of this then we are ripe to become jaded or cynical. That's a by-product that no "healthy" person wants to be around. We then become even more cynical and jaded. Especially if what we are desiring is a relationship. We began to have doubt that we will ever be happy. You can see how this can become quite the downward spiral.

I love the next song and video by Secret Garden. I see the man as one facet of me so focused on what he's looking for (the destination) and the peaceful, graceful woman as the other facet enjoying the journey, being present in every moment. Eventually the man becomes more present. I see this as a melding of my two facets.

There is another thing that I have to guard for even after I adjust my focus to my journey. That "thing" is comparing myself to others, specifically where I'm at on my journey. It's so easy for me to fall into that trap, especially around birthdays or New Years. When this happens I purposefully focus on being happy for the person or people I've begun to compare myself too. The comparison robs me of my Joy but being mindfully happy for someone else's happiness eventually brings the Joy back around to me. I was reminded of this today while I attended the 11am service at the Center For Spiritual Living in Seattle. Thank you Dr. Reverend Kathianne Lewis!. I haven't always been as successful as I've wanted to be but I practice at it nevertheless. I sense I'm getting better though. I find it helps to liberally sprinkle a healthy dose of "blessing" on it. Truthfully, when I'm stuck I bless the hell outta whatever/whomever it is that's got me stuck. A very wise and dear friend of mine gave me that pearl and she was right, it works!

I invite you to pay attention to your journey in the day(s) to come. Try one day at a time and check in with yourself. Before you know it you will have reached whatever destination you had intended but will be so much richer for having been present to the journey. I'm recommitting to paying attention to my journey daily.

Blessings on your travels,


  1. Stephen;

    So many of your posts are hitting close to home with me ... especially this one about being aware of my new journey~



  2. I'm glad you are resonating with my blog. I find that shifts are happening in my life just by having started it and sharing. Thanks for taking the time making the comment and for following the blog!

    With a big ole helping of Ease,

  3. Thanks Ria for signing up to follow my blog!!
