Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Making Room For My Greater Good

This post kind of piggybacks onto the post from yesterday, "Cleaning House". I think sometimes we can be so tied to an idea of what our Greater Good should look like that we become an obstacle for it to show up in our lives. Notice I said "what we think it should look like" and not what our Greater Good is. We can know what our Greater Good is but when we are so tied to a job, the place we live in, friends, lovers, etc. we think that these connections are it. We sense that things don't feel right but we stick it out anyhow, over and over again. Somehow we think that will change the situation. If we just hang in there, we will be happy and we will have that Joy in our lives more consistently. I believe what is actually happening is that we are telling the Universe that we are ok with the way things are. We experience it as being "stuck" or spinning our wheels and hoping if we just keep our foot on the gas pedal in the same ole car that we will eventually get the traction to propel us into all that we desire. In actuality we just get more mired down, frustrated, sad, and angry that we didn't even get that damned martyr award!

Here's a video of one my favorite singer/songwriters, Elton John performing "Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me". I sing the hell out of this's my signature karaoke song, LOL! I love the lyrics and they really speak to where I'm at on my journey in this moment of time.

I know that it takes courage to make changes in our lives especially when it involves feelings of love. When you feel you have a connection with someone that runs deep it can pull up all sorts of things to look at in one's self especially if it isn't a healthy situation. That is the opportunity presented. I know I continue to have a lot of opportunities in my life for self evaluation! So much so that I have coined the abbreviation: AFGO which cleverly stands for "Another F*cking Growth Opportunity", as a side note you can choose to substitute "Friggin" if that works better for you. I believe an outgrowth of this opportunity is to reach out to people that can support us in our prayers and intentions. Call in your prayer posse! Deputize them in the name of your Good! I believe there is power in numbers when it comes to praying and intending. I've seen the results and the speed in which it happens when my sangha has prayed for me.

So I invite you to reach out for support from the people you trust. If you feel that those people don't exist in your life then call a prayer line. I find that people naturally want to help others. It's a winning combination of you receiving support and others feeling good about themselves that they can make a difference. As you feel momentum in your life allow yourself to be available to others in support. It's a beautiful dance of humanity to be a part of and to witness!

Looking for my dancin' shoes,

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