Monday, June 29, 2009

What Gay Folks Bring To The Party - In Honor of Gay Pride

I started to chuckle to myself as I was typing the title to this post. I realized that the fact the word "Gay" was in the title would garner some extra hits to this blog once the "almighty" (no pun intended) search engines catch up to me! The truth of the matter is that we as a society are still titillated by all that is "gay". In fact, I will go out on a limb to say those that are repulsed by anything gay are the most fascinated. So, what I wanted to post about today, a day after many Gay Pride marches around the country, is what I feel gay people contribute to society.

I'm of the opinion that gay people many times play the role of a societal diplomat. They, in fact, often help foster dialog and understanding between heterosexuals. I've seen many times where once the insecurities are checked in at the door, heterosexual men and women have learned a lot about themselves and each other, i.e how to communicate better, cooperate more, etc from having spent time and fostering friendships with gay folks. Of course, the flip side is that gay people tend to learn more about themselves too. From a spiritual standpoint, I've always thought there was a reason why some folks identify as being gay and have felt they were born this way. I think it's all a part of a universal plan of teaching about unconditional love. It's a lesson that is taught and learned by gay people in a world where they are largely frowned upon. I've thought how ironic that Jesus taught about love and acceptance yet, more often than not, the institutions that have risen in his name seem to take great pride in excluding gay people. It seems to me that society is afraid of gay people perhaps because they mirror something back that they don't want to look at. I think this is a large reason why "gay marriage" is so hotly contested. If those that currently have the right to marry really looked at the their stewardship of the institution of marriage, they would see what a poor custodian they have been. Indeed, the heterosexual population has done more to harm marriage than gay people could possibly do. Heterosexuals have had such a head start it wouldn't even be a fair contest! I'm not advocating that gay people would do any better but I don't think they would take it for granted as much or be so cavalier about it due to the struggle for the right to marry. At this point, though I have to say that as gay marriage becomes legal in more states there will be a few "come to Jesus" moments for married gays when the realization sets in that you can't just up and begin a new "single" chapter without feeling it in the ole wallet!

I've attached a humorous video about what constitutes a "Christian" marriage since that is all too often the measuring stick being whacked against the knuckles of gay men and women. Hopefully, the humor speaks for itself and no one is too offended. Some offense is actually healthy though, LOL

The last video was from a Abraham-Hicks event (Abraham is a non-physical source energy that is translated by Esther Hicks) wherein a woman who identified herself as a lesbian activist asked Abraham about gay marriage and how to affect change. I think that this video is powerful as it addresses Issac Newton's 3rd law of "what you resist, persists" and the "law of attraction".

So, I invite you to resist less and live the example you wish to promote. I know I'm rededicating myself to the practice.

Loving that we are all in this together,

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