Saturday, June 27, 2009

Let Spirit Create Through You

It's often said that Spirit or God is creation. That it's always creating to further expand itself. If it is true that we are manifestations of that one Spirit then we are creative beings by nature. I believe we are creating 24/7 whether we are conscious of it or not. So I feel the calling is to co-create with Spirit in all that we do. It's often easiest to co-create with something that you enjoy. My co-creating I enjoy the most continues to be through music but I've dabbled in other forms of expression such as poetry. I once participated in a short workshop where the facilitator guided us through a meditation. As we felt ready we started writing down what we were feeling/seeing in our meditation in the form of a poem. It was actually quite fun. It was powerful to read one's own poem(s) out loud to the group and to hear others read theirs.

Here are a couple of my largely unedited poems that came out of the workshop:

My Life

My life is like a journey through the forest.

Sometimes it’s a dark and scary trek amid the thicket deep,

Other times it’s the elation of reaching a glade, safe and sweet.

I’m challenged to meld the two like water and ice.

Much like myself, they are one of the same and forever changing,

My hope stays eternal and carries me on like a dear friend, forever strong

My Love

My love crests like a majestic wave I’m riding a top.

Love rolls over and into itself,

Slamming me to its salty ocean floor,

Or guiding me to its safe waters and welcoming shore.

Like the next wave that doesn’t stop,

Love comes back and lifts me up,

To more than I had felt,

More than I had seen,

And more than I had hoped

So, I invite you to go out and co-create with Spirit, the Universe, God, whatever you call "it". Start with something you enjoy doing...something that comes easy to you. Pay attention to how it feels and how people respond. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised!

Blessings on your adventure called creation ,

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