Thursday, June 25, 2009

Living Your Passion - It's Your Call

I was sitting here thinking about the first thing that I would blog about and having a bit of difficulty deciding. Then it dawned on me that everything that is happening in our country, our world is actually a calling for us to decide, commit to living our passion. It's as if the world has reached a "critical mass" point and is turning everything we thought would keep us safe into fragile debris. From my experience this is when one has to go within and sit with it all, perhaps pray or meditate...anything to relax the fearful mind so that an answer can come forth and be heard. The answer that came to me was that we are here to live our passion, that our work should be a part of that passion. I've often been asked the question by people in my life of what would I do for a living if money was no object, meaning I knew I would be paid handsomely regardless. I'm reminded that the Universe conspires for our Good. My Good is singing, specifically inspirational music. Now, the reality for me is that my faith has and is tested when the end of the month rolls around or some unexpected expense shows up and I don't see the funds in my checking account. Somehow though, God, the Universe, whatever...comes through in ways that I had not imagined. I remember to be thankful and continue on my path. I also know that I am happiest when I'm doing what I love. I am a joy to be around and people respond accordingly.

Take the time to watch this video of a talk given at the Center For Spiritual Living in Seattle by Tama Kieves. She presents a hilarious and effective talk about doing your passion!

So, as these turbulent times swirl about you I invite you to consider what your passion feel what it would be like to live it and be paid handsomely for it. The gift has been calling on's your call whether to receive it.

Many blessings on your journey,

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome Stephen. Spirituality is such a joy and it's nice to be pulled out of my Ego and reminded!

    Thank you, Tim
