Thursday, August 6, 2009

Synchronicity - Life As An Adventure

A while back in my life I embraced the belief in sychronicity, that "there are no accidents". If we take the time to review our life in intervals we can see where events are related to one another. Life isn't a game of chance. We can see how meeting a certain person opened the doors for a meeting with someone else which in turn landed us a job or the perfect realtor, or? We can use the same tool to see how we met our romantic partner or our best friend (hopefully, they are one in same). We can see how we bought the perfect car, etc. I think you get my point. The fun begins when you can look at your life like a big "Clue" game. If your mind insists on taking a turn as you're driving which leads you on a different way home or maybe even a way you don't know then trust and do it. Perhaps it allowed you to avoid severe traffic or an accident. Maybe you discovered a restaurant you wanted to visit or had heard of but didn't know the location. The gift of looking at life this way is that it requires us to be present and in the moment. It also gets us to practice faith. We make movement without having to know everything, how it's going to work, what does it all mean, etc. We actually "show up" for our life and become a conscious, active participant. Experiences become richer as we take the time to pay attention. We realize that life isn't a game of chance where we have no input but in actuality it's a giant playing board where the Universe is conspiring for our Good. Our job is to wake up and pay attention.

Here's a song, "Turn of a Friendly Card" by the Alan Parsons Project that I used to listen to in my late teens and early twenties while living in Germany. This was about the time I entertained the belief in sychronicity.

Here are a couple of quotes relating to sychronicity that I enjoy:

There is no such thing as chance; and what seem to us merest accident springs from the deepest source of destiny.
Friedrich Schiller (1759 - 1805)

Coincidences are spiritual puns.
G.K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936)

I invite you (if you aren't already) to pay attention to and take the opportunities to trust. Take the way home you never have before if your mind is telling you to, for example. Listen to the voice inside on these simple suggestions and go with it. See what happens, you may be surprised! I know I have been.

See you in the playground,

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